What happens when you do not change the oil regularly?

There is no argument that your car needs oil after the fuel. It’s a lubricant that assists all the metal parts and over all the vehicle to work properly. We always hear that after every 3,000 miles get your oil changed! But what happens if we don’t? Being a differentialand transmission specialist in Melbourne , here we let you know why it is important to practice oil changing routine. The oil in the process of running the vehicle does a lot of work. The car is running smoothly and efficiently because of the oil. Keeping the heat away from the engine and lubricating it to avoid massive friction is the other job of oil. It keeps on lubricating the several engine components and stores the heat while you are driving. Not just that, also the dirt, debris and smaller particles are collected by the oil over the time from the engine. And this keeps the oil dirty which can hinder the effectiveness of the oil. And thus, it needs to be changed overtime. When this oil ...