Common Misconceptions About Oil Changes | Vic Diff

Since there are a lot of myths and misconceptions that circulate around the automotive world regarding oil changes, we as a responsible automatic transmission specialist would like to clear the air and distinguish the right from wrong.

Rumour: Change your oil every 3000 miles.
Truth: It is impressive that you are cautious about keeping the oil new and dirt-free, but there are vehicles that can run thousands of miles without the need of changing oil. Other may require it quickly, while fortunately some modern vehicles are bringing the technique which alerts the owner when the oil needs replacement.

Rumour: If you have black motor oil, you must change it.
Truth: It is very common that the yellowish motor oil after few miles of ride changes to dull and black colour. But that doesn’t mean you should be nervous and thoroughly go and change the oil. It darkens because it absorbs by-products from combustion.

Rumour: Once you have used synthetic oil, you can’t change to other ones.
Truth: As a transmission and differential repair specialist, we find it an overwhelming misconception. It is completely fine if you have to switch from synthetic oil to conventional ones. Also the motor oil which is labeled as synthetic blend is after all a blend of synthetic and conventional oil.
In case, you look for detailed support in differential and transmission repair, gearbox rebuild, oil change, clutch repair, etc, visit us online at


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